30% By 2030: A Closer Look At The Solar+ Decade

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On July 23rd 2020, the White House announced a new target of achieving 30% clean electricity by 2030. This goal has been dubbed the ‘Solar+ Decade’, which aims to reduce emissions from electricity generation and carry us into a more sustainable future. Let’s look at what this means for solar energy use in America and worldwide.

The Drive Towards Renewable Energy Sources

This ambitious target is part of a more significant effort to transition away from non-renewable energy sources like coal and gas and towards renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. The goal of this transition is twofold: to reduce emissions from electricity generation and to reduce dependence on finite resources like oil, gas and coal. With over 70% of US electrical production coming from fossil fuels in 2019, there’s a lot of work ahead of us to make this transition successful.

The Role Of Solar Energy In Reaching Our Goals

Solar energy is playing an increasing role in our fight against climate change. In 2019 alone, solar installations accounted for 40% of all new capacity additions in the US electricity sector. That number is expected to grow as more people become aware of Solar’s potential benefits – lower bills, increased grid reliability and an overall reduction in emissions from electricity generation. However, with only 2% of US electrical production coming from solar in 2019, there’s still much room for improvement if we are to reach our goals by 2030.

What Can We Do To Reach Our Goals?

Individuals can start making small changes today that will impact our environment tomorrow. By installing solar panels on your home or business premises, you can help reach our clean energy goals while saving money on your bills over time. Additionally, you can look into other renewable energy solutions, such as wind power or geothermal heating systems, which can help reduce your carbon footprint even further. You can also join local campaigns that promote renewable energy solutions or support national legislation efforts that aid in transitioning away from non-renewable sources.

Wrapping Up

30% clean electricity by 2030 is an ambitious goal but one that we should strive for to secure a healthy environment for ourselves and the generations after us. With innovative actions, big and small, we can make this dream a reality – starting with taking advantage of all the opportunities solar energy offers. It’s up to each one of us now.
