How To Measure Windows For Replacement – A Comprehensive Guide

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Replacing your windows is a big job. It’s important to take the time to measure your windows accurately, so you can purchase the exact size you need and make sure your new windows fit properly. But that doesn’t mean it should be complicated. Here is an easy 6-step guide on how to measure windows for replacement.

1. Measure Height and Width From Inside Your Home
Measuring the height and width of the window frame inside your home is easy. Start by measuring from the top left corner of the window frame across to the right side of the window frame at its widest point. Then, measure down from the top right corner of the window frame to the left side at its tallest point.

2. Measure Corner-to-Corner

If you want more accuracy in your measurements, you can measure corner-to-corner instead of just height and width. To do this, measure from one bottom corner diagonally across to the opposite top corner. Then repeat with another measurement from one top corner down sideways across to the other bottom corner. Ensure that both measures are equal for a proper fit when installing new windows.

3. Measure Wall Thickness
You will also need to measure your wall thickness for replacement windows to fit properly into their frames. To do this, use a tape measure or ruler and carefully measure between any two surfaces around your current window frame including bricks, siding and stucco. This measurement should be taken on either side of where you plan on installing your new window frame, this will ensure that all pieces fit together properly without any gaps or overhangs along any part of your wall surface.

4. Measure Depth
Next, using a tape measure or ruler again, measure from the front edge of the window trim to the back edge (or between two surfaces). It will give you an accurate measurement of how deep your current windows are installed into their frames—which will help when selecting exact size replacements for installation purposes later in this process.

5. Measure Rough Opening
Finally, it’s time to measure what’s known as “the rough opening.”It is done by measuring both sides and top or bottom edges around where you plan on installing new replacement windows as opposed to measuring existing frames. Take these measurements from the outermost points including brickwork, siding material, or other external features that may add additional length, width or depth beyond what would typically be included inside an average framed window installation setup. Keep track of these measurements separately to be used later in the installation.

6. Double Check Your Work
Now that all measurements have been taken and recorded accurately according to each step outlined above, it’s time for one final double-check. Go through each measurement again in case anything was missed or needs adjusting before purchasing replacement windows online or at a local store near you.


Measuring windows for replacement isn’t always easy, but if done correctly, it can save time and money while ensuring proper installation and lasting results afterward. Following these six simple steps should give anyone looking to replace their home windows a great starting point in getting accurate measurements ready so they can confidently purchase correct size replacements easily. Don’t forget—measure twice and cut once.
