Is DIY Solar Panel System Right For You?

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If you’re considering switching to solar energy, you may have already looked into the cost of professional installation. Hiring or going DIY is something every homeowner has to decide on as they go solar. Granted, installation costs add to the total costs of going solar, but this does not always mean DIY is the best way to go. If you’re handy and don’t mind getting your hands dirty, you may want to consider installing a DIY solar panel system; however, it takes more than some handy skills to pull off a DIY solar installation. Let us explore what it takes to install a DIY solar panel system and examine some pros and cons of going this route. 

The Basics Of DIY Solar Panels

DIY solar panels are relatively easy to build but require careful planning and execution. You can find instructions online or buy do-it-yourself kits at home improvement stores. The basics include mounting your panels on an angled frame or roof exposed to direct sunlight. Wiring the boards together; hooking them up to an inverter that converts DC power from the panels into AC power for use in your home; and connecting the batteries for storage so you can use the power after dark or on cloudy days.

Pros Of Installing DIY Solar Panels

One of the main advantages of installing your solar panel system is that it can save you thousands of dollars in installation costs. Because you install everything, it allows for greater customization potential than a professionally installed system would offer. Finally, many municipalities will provide tax credits and other incentives for people who install their systems, which can add up quickly and help make your investment worthwhile.

Cons Of Installing DIY Solar Panels

While it is possible to install these systems without professional help, there is always a risk associated with any electrical work that could lead to injury or property damage if not done correctly. Building codes may require specific permits or inspections before installation, depending on where you live, which could delay your project or lead to costly fines if followed incorrectly. Finally, many warranties require that a professional installer complete the installation for them to be valid. So ensure to read all terms carefully before beginning work to know what risks are associated with doing it yourself versus hiring a professional installer to do it for you.


Installing a DIY solar panel system can be an exciting way to save money while customizing your energy source with fewer restrictions than professional installs usually allow. However, there are risks associated with taking on such projects yourself, which should not be taken lightly. Assessing the pros and cons of a DIY solar panel system should make it easy to decide whether it is right for you. If DIY works for you, you could save thousands in installation; however, hiring professionals is an option if it isn’t. Our team helps homeowners and businesses set up their solar and reap the benefits all year around. 
