5 Little-Known Facts About Installing Solar In The Home

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Did you know solar energy systems have become more affordable to install over the years? Many homeowners now opt for solar power as an alternative to traditional electricity sources. Solar energy systems are a great way to minimize electricity bills and your carbon footprint. They’re also easy to install and require minimal maintenance—making them a no-brainer for clean energy solutions.
A lot is known about installing solar in the home, from reasons to choose it and even how to go about the installation. However, there are still some little-known facts that even diehard home improvement enthusiasts may not be aware of, which can help you make an informed decision about your energy future.

1. It Works On Rainy Days 
One of the most surprising facts is that solar installations can work even during cloudy days! This is because they can absorb diffused light from clouds and convert it into usable energy. Solar systems today also come with advanced features that allow them to store excess energy and use it when needed.

2. It Is Space Efficient

Another interesting fact is that solar systems do not require a lot of space to be effective. This means you can easily install them on your roof or backyard, depending on where they will receive the most sunlight. Additionally, new technologies have made it easier to track just how much energy is being produced.

3. It Is Best To Hire The Experts 
Average installation time can differ based on the size of the area being covered and many other factors, but generally plan on around five days when getting solar installed by a professional installation team. Although solar installation is regarded to be fairly easy, doing it yourself may take longer, so it’s best to stick to the pros when beginning this project.

4. Poor Installation Can Cost You

When selecting the right installer for the job, ensure they are certified by the Solar Rating Certification Corporation (or similar). If for any reason, the work or materials were found unsatisfactory down the line without certification, it could ruin chances for getting vouchers or discounts. Knowing an uncertified provider was used could ruin chances for the company honoring the warranty.

5. Installation Can Save You Money
Finally, many states and municipalities are offering incentives that can help subsidize the cost of a solar energy system. From tax credits to rebates and loan programs, there is no shortage of available opportunities for homeowners looking to go green and reduce their carbon footprint.


Ready to make your home energy efficient and environmentally friendly? Now that you know these facts about installing solar, nothing is holding you back from kicking your household into high gear. If you need help with installation, our certified experts can assist you throughout the process. Contact us with any questions about your solar installation project, and let us know how we can help. 
